
Data protection

What will happen to your data?

Data protection


Responsible for this website is:

Claudia Schmid
Kapellenberg 11
72218 Wildberg

This data protection declaration is intended to inform you, as a user of my website www.aesthet.ist, about the type, scope and purpose of the personal data collected here (hereinafter referred to as “data”) and their use.

I take the protection of your data very seriously and treat it confidentially and in accordance with legal regulations. Changes to the current data protection declaration may be made through the use of new technologies and the further development of this website. Please read them through at regular intervals.

The definition of terms used such as "personal data" or their "processing" can be found in Article 4 of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

What data is collected when you visit my website?

Access data

Each time you visit my website, the page provider saves data about access to the website as server log files on the website's server, including the IP address. This is anonymized before it is saved, so that it is not possible to establish a personal reference. The anonymized data is then evaluated by a statistics program.

The following data is stored in the log files:

» the IP address (the user is anonymized before it is saved)
» the browser type and version used (if submitted by the user)
» the operating system
» date and time of the server request
» the number of visits
» the length of time spent on the website
» the previously visited website (if submitted by the user)

How long are the log files stored?

» mail server log: 7 days
» spam and trash: 14 days
» anonymized weblogs: never
» backups: 14 days

When storing the data, the website provider acts out of a legitimate interest (see Article 6 (1) (f) GDPR), e.g. to be able to clarify cases of abuse. If data have to be stored longer for reasons of evidence, they are excluded from deletion until the case has been clarified.

What happens when you use the contact form?

If you use my contact form, you consent to the data you enter there (name and email address) being saved or sent to me as an email to mail@aesthet.ist including your message. This is done exclusively for the purpose of answering the contact request and, if necessary, further communication. If an order results from the contact request, the following additional data will be collected for the offer and invoice and stored for 10 years in accordance with the legal requirements for storage (Section 147 (1) AO):

» First and Last Name
» Adress
» Telephone number (only if this is necessary for the execution of the order. The storage takes place here only for the duration of the order or longer with your consent)

Beyond that, your data will not be used by me.

Your right

You have the right to immediate correction of incorrect or incomplete personal data concerning you.

You have the right (in accordance with Article 17 GDPR) to request that the data collected be deleted immediately or, alternatively (in accordance with Article 18 GDPR), to request that the processing of the data be restricted.

You have the right to revoke your consent to the processing of the data (according to Article 7 Paragraph 3 GDPR) with effect for the future.

Social media data

On the basis of my legitimate interest within the meaning of Article 6 Paragraph 1 Letter f GDPR), I maintain an online presence within social networks and platforms in order to be able to communicate with the customers, interested parties and users active there or to inform them about services. These are Facebook and Instagram. When you click on the icons of the two platforms, a link opens my respective account. When calling up the respective networks and platforms, the terms and conditions and data processing guidelines of the respective operator apply:

Facebook Inc. complies with European data protection law and is certified under the Privacy Shield Agreement:

Which data Facebook collects, uses and processes, for what purpose and to what extent, can be found in Facebook's data protection guidelines. You can also find out which rights and setting options you have to protect your privacy here:
Facebook data protection guideline

You can find Instagram's data protection guidelines and other setting options here:
Instagram-data protection guideline