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ten photos arranged as moodboard

Visit to London

As I made my way around London, I touched on various London neighborhoods, including Islington, Hackney, Greenwich, Covent Garden, South Bank, Southwark, and Whitechapel. Mainly on foot, I found myself in a land of plenty for both my eyes and my camera. There was no pushing on ahead quickly, but that’s part of the game for me. For four full days, I felt right at home in this vibrant, multifaceted city. The settled, unusually good weather was the icing on the cake.

I especially enjoyed my walk on the Thames Path, which I walked along from Greenwich to Tower Bridge. Just the start of my walk in the young and still developing design district made my heart beat faster. While walking, I was fascinated by the combination of near-natural areas and the view of the constantly changing skyline on the opposite bank. And then I experienced how everything gradually becomes denser in front of Tower Bridge and finally found myself in the heart of London.

For me, someone from the country, the skyscrapers of the City of London triggered a kind of “Johnny Look-in-the-Air” symptom. My eyes were permanently wanting to look to the sky, feet stumbling their way along the crowded sidewalks. I was deeply touched by old, classical buildings right next to glass palaces, almost crushed by them and yet standing their ground.

Experiencing the flair of Borough Market transported me to another magical world. Sunbeams made their way through cracks and gates, with dust dancing in them, creating a unique atmosphere in the spaces buzzing with life. Friendly encounters with the people there repeatedly painted a smile on my face. Elsewhere, wonderful music from street musicians provided a number of reasons to linger.

The time went by much too quickly. All I know is that I would like to return to London again one day. I am left with countless fantastic photos and lots of positive memories, a few of which I am sharing with you today.

recorded in

