

What’s happening at AESTHET.IST?
ten photos arranged as moodboard

From the lab to the studio and back

In the spring, I was commissioned by Nanna Aspholm-Flik to be the photographer at the event “From the lab to the studio and back”. I met the Stuttgart-based textile artist from Finland, who has a studio in Stuttgart’s west end, last year through a friend. Since then, our paths have crossed a few times in an enriching way.

Early one morning in March, I made my way to Nattheim in the Ostalb district in southern Germany to ceramic artist Heide Nonnenmacher. The event was taking place in her ceramic studio. I was a little nervous, as I usually am at the beginning of events like this, but the warm welcome with a cup of tea and a few minutes of friendly conversation helped me feel comfortable in this artistic environment. Gabriele Österle, a textile designer from Freiburg with her own ropery, sat at the table with us; we talked and so I was able to get to know both of them a little on this occasion.

Before the official start of the event, I had just under two hours to get the best shots of the works on show in the room. The focus was on the works of the three female artists mentioned above. There was some fiddling around to do, but the challenge of taking a top-quality photo, even with an unusual subject, spurred me on. Soon the first visitors started to arrive and the room began to fill up. And then it got started.

Throughout the course of the day, there were various interesting and informative talks on the different subject areas of the three artists and other guest speakers. Most of them pertained to the exhibited objects, with explanations on how they came about and the techniques used to make them. The breaks in between gave me the opportunity to take more photos, and enjoy short, stimulating conversations. In culinary terms, Heike Ehrath’s edible noodle art provided a welcome and unusual highlight. In the evening I drove home exhausted but happy.

Besides the actual work with the pictures, I found the actual participation in the event an inspiration and enrichment. I am grateful for all the friendly encounters and the creative atmosphere in which I always feel at home. I am especially pleased with the positive reactions to my photos and the fact they were later used in a flyer about the event. Thank you for the good collaboration.