

What’s happening at AESTHET.IST?
teaser for 'Schätze des Westens' (Treasures of the West): abstractes photo with side-gated blue Rechteck and imaginary anchor

A warm invitation to the "Schätze des Westens" (Treasures of the West)!

When Nanna asked me months ago whether I could see myself taking part in the "Schätze des Westens" (Treasures of the West), I felt as if I was living the motto above. The joy of the great opportunity alternated with concern about the incalculable coronavirus situation and the effort involved. Ideas began to whiz around my head and my eye critically rummaged through my stock of photos for something suitable. At that point I had effectively already made my decision. I still hesitated though before finally agreeing.

Thinking about all aspects of the motto first sent me back out into the street, listening for the macro world around me. I was looking for images that express a wide variety of sentiments related to the extraordinary times we are living in right now. It was reducing and combining the results with older work that proved to be the most difficult challenge.

I ended up producing a constellation of series of three and individual pictures. The arrangement of the prints plays with the image of the wave, which also runs visually across the motifs. The use of mainly abstract motifs means the viewer still has enough room for interpretation. In addition, I have put together a few small things which are available for purchase.

I’m looking forward to your visit!