

What’s happening at AESTHET.IST?
ten photos arranged as moodboard

Review of 2020

An exceptionally unusual year is drawing to its close today. It will without doubt be one that goes down in history.

We all learned that this was not a time for making plans. Compromises and restrictions permeate our daily lives with varying degrees of intensity. We fear for family and friends or for our income. The usual course of events was turned upside down.

But there were also a lot of good things during the year. I found the enforced withdrawal and the decrease in the number and size of events de-stressing. Of course it was a shame that so many things had to be cancelled. But it opened up space for me to do other things (and I’m never short of an idea or two!). The realization that I don’t actually need much for my photography, and that I can even find what I’m looking for in the smallest area, was once again confirmed – in a special way.

My highlight was the small exhibition at the end of September. After that, I started to become more active on Instagram to establish a wider platform for my pictures. I enjoy experimenting and so I’m using the Christmas vacation to find out more about and experience Cyanotype. In my next article, I’m going to take you with me on my journey. Just wait and see! I already have quite a few ideas in my head for 2021. My New Year’s resolution is to make them happen and share them with you.

Allow me to present these works from the year we're about to say goodbye to as a personal greeting to you. I’m looking forward to the future.